Population.us > Counties > Wisconsin > Calumet County

Population of Calumet County

Last official estimated population of Calumet County was 48,989 (year 2014)[1]. This was 0.015% of total US population and 0.8% of total Wisconsin state population. Area of Calumet County is 397.1 mi² (=1028.4 km²), in this year population density was 123.37 p/mi². If population growth rate would be same as in period 2010-2014 (+0.01%/yr), Calumet County population in 2024 would be 49,034 [0].

Historical population

Historical population of Calumet County for period 1840-2014 [1] , [2] , [3]:

Maps: Population, population density, population changes

Estimated population for 2014[1]. Population density is in p./sq.mi [4]. Changes are for period 2010-2015. Value is %/year. Boundary lines are approx. 2012 [5]. Click on flag to hide it.


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Annual growth rate

[1840-1850] +20.28 %/yr
[1850-1860] +16.31 %/yr
[1860-1870] +4.56 %/yr
[1870-1880] +3.03 %/yr
[1880-1890] +0 %/yr
[1890-1900] +0.26 %/yr
[1900-1910] -0.22 %/yr
[1910-1920] +0.31 %/yr
[1920-1930] -0.22 %/yr
[1930-1940] +0.45 %/yr
[1940-1950] +0.67 %/yr
[1950-1960] +1.69 %/yr
[1960-1970] +2.17 %/yr
[1970-1980] +1.12 %/yr
[1980-1990] +1.06 %/yr
[1990-2000] +1.72 %/yr
[2000-2005] +2.57 %/yr
[2005-2010] +1.18 %/yr
[2010-2014] +0.01 %/yr



Population of Calumet County by age groups male (M) and female (F)[1b]

Age Gr. (M) (F) Total
0 to 4 1565 1498 3,063
5 to 9 1871 1718 3,589
10 to 14 1910 1863 3,773
15 to 19 1655 1587 3,242
20 to 24 1371 1234 2,605
25 to 29 1201 1184 2,385
30 to 34 1459 1545 3,004
35 to 39 1691 1615 3,306
40 to 44 1704 1726 3,430
45 to 49 1943 1927 3,870
50 to 54 2117 1983 4,100
55 to 59 1819 1824 3,643
60 to 64 1443 1465 2,908
65 to 69 1070 1072 2,142
70 to 74 774 796 1,570
75 to 79 534 629 1,163
80 to 84 343 485 828
85+ 340 530 870

Calumet County resident population estimates by Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin[1b]. For full list of abbrevations see: population.us/about page.

Race Male Female Total
WAC 23946 23726 47,672
NH 23819 23716 47,535
WA 23605 23451 47,056
NHWAC 23013 22816 45,829
NHWA 22712 22572 45,284
H 991 965 1,956
HWAC 933 910 1,843
HWA 893 879 1,772
AAC 642 706 1,348
NHAAC 630 699 1,329
AA 553 633 1,186
NHAA 547 630 1,177
TOM 351 290 641
BAC 316 281 597
NHTOM 310 255 565
NHBAC 275 253 528
IAC 243 241 484
NHIAC 195 191 386
BA 171 153 324
NHBA 151 140 291
IA 118 134 252
NHIA 90 103 193
HIAC 48 50 98
HTOM 41 35 76
HBAC 41 28 69
HIA 28 31 59
NAC 25 34 59
NHNAC 21 27 48
HBA 20 13 33
NA 12 20 32
NHNA 9 16 25
HAAC 12 7 19
HNAC 4 7 11
HAA 6 3 9
HNA 3 4 7

Counties near Calumet County

Brown County population 29.3 mi, 21°
Outagamie County 26.6 mi, 331°
Winnebago County 22.6 mi, 271°
Washington County 47.5 mi, 181°
Sheboygan County 33.2 mi, 133°
Fond du Lac County 26.4 mi, 212°
Manitowoc County 44.6 mi, 87°
Waupaca County 46.4 mi, 306°
Waushara County 51 mi, 272°
Green Lake County 44.4 mi, 240°

Sources, notices

[0] Calculated by population.us from last known population growth rate, not official data.

[1] County population - 2014, archived from the original, retrieved 02/23/2016

[1b] Annual County Resident Population Estimates by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin, (used only data for 2014) archived from the original, retrieved 02/23/2016

[2] County population - 2000-2010, archived from the original, retrieved 02/23/2016

[3] Population of States and Counties of the United States: 1790 to 1992, PDF, 15 Mb, census.gov, retrieved 02/23/2016

[4] County area, latitude longitude data, retrieved 02/23/2016

[5] County boundaries, CSV files on boundaries.us, retrived 03/18/2016

*Brown Wisconsin Notes

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