Very brief introduction:
Welcome to, website about current and historical population statistics for USA country, states, counties and cities (approximately 20000 settlements). Most of the data are from US censuses, some of them since 1790.
All information on this website (population statistics, images, population maps etc.) is free for any use (if you will reuse data, attribution appreciated). Please read our terms and conditions of use. Every page contains sources of the shown data in footer of the page.
Population of USA
Current population of USA is 346 358 031 [0], population density 91 p./sq.mi. In US there is one birth every 8 seconds and one death every 11 seconds. One international migrant (net) every 29 seconds. The result is that every 15 seconds population of US growth by 1 (1/8-1/11+1/29 ≈ 1/15).
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Historical population and population projection of the United States
Sources: 2015[1]; 2000,2010[2]; 1790-1990[3], 2016-2050[4]
- The United States of America is the third most populous country on Earth in 2016 (after China and India)
- Population of US is 4.4% of total world population (every 23th person is American)
- Half of US Population Lives in Coastal Areas
- Fastest growing states in last 50 years are "south states", probably due the air conditioning systems: Nevada, Arizona, Florida. Population of Nevada state is approximately 8x bigger then 50 years ago.
- The foreign-born population is the fastest growing group in the U.S. Every minutes two US admit two immigrants (just to comparre, in first century of existing, U.S. received about two immigrants per day.). Every 10th is foreign-born person.
- By Census Bureau's medium projections, population of US will reach 400 millions in the middle of 21st century.
- Urban US population growth by 2% (from 79% in 2000 to 80.7% in 2010). Rural population is continuously reducing in last decades.
What was population of USA at your birthday?
United States population by age and sex
US population 2016 by age and sex in thousands (UN)[5]
age |
male |
female |
0-9 |
20 567 |
> |
19 696 |
10-19 |
21 198 |
> |
20 256 |
20-29 |
23 386 |
> |
22 091 |
30-39 |
21 371 |
> |
20 941 |
40-49 |
20 616 |
> |
20 471 |
50-59 |
22 248 |
< |
22 707 |
60-69 |
17 254 |
< |
18 692 |
70-79 |
9 281 |
< |
11 033 |
80-89 |
4 011 |
< |
5 864 |
90-99 |
739 |
<< |
1 618 |
100-+ |
14 |
<<< |
61 |
Race and Hispanic Origin
Race and hispanic origin: 2010 census and 2014 estimated:
2010 |
2014 |
White alone |
72.4% |
77.4% |
Black or African American alone |
12.6% |
13.2% |
American Indian and Alaska Native alone |
0.9% |
1.2% |
Asian alone |
4.8% |
5.4% |
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone |
0.2% |
0.2% |
Two or More Races |
2.9% |
2.5% |
Hispanic or Latino |
16.3% |
17.4% |
White alone, not Hispanic or Latino |
63.7% |
62.1% |
Source:, US quick facts (retrieved: 03/31/2016)
Most important facts through decades (from US population aspect)
- 1790: George Washington, 1790 Census, USS Constitution
- 1800: Lewis and Clark begin their expedition to map the northwest United States. Louisiana Purchase.
- 1810: The United States declared war on Britain in the War of 1812. The American steamship "Savannah" crosses the Atlantic Ocean in 29 days.
- 1820: Spain ceded Florida to the United States. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, the first railroad in the United States to offer transportation for people and commercial goods.
- 1830: Forced removal of Cherokee Indians from Georgia on the "Trail of Tears".
- 1840: Mexican-American War. The discovery of gold near Sutter's Fort, CA is the beginning of the California Gold Rush of 1849.
- 1850: Elisha Otis installs the first elevator and population starts to grow "up to sky" (1857). First productive commercial oil well in Titusville, PA.
- 1860: Civil war. Russia finalizes its sale of Alaska to the United States (1867)
- 1870: The Great Chicago Fire 1871. Colorado becomes the 38th state (1876).
- 1880: Thomas Edison's Pearl Street Station begins generating electricity supplying customers (New York City, 1882)
- 1890: The Ellis Island Immigration Station begins processing immigrants to the US (1892). More than 25 million people visit the Chicago World Columbian Exposition in 1893. The last great North American "Gold Rush" in the Yukon District of Canada (1896).
- 1900: Wright Brothers: first airplane heavier than air (1903). Production of the Ford Model T in 1908.
- 1910: Titanic strikes an iceberg. World War I.
- 1920: Charles Lindbergh: First trans-Atlantic flight (1927). Stock Market Crash
- 1930: The Boulder Dam (today known as "Hoover Dam").
- 1940: World War II
- 1950: Baby Boom (in this decade population of US and world started with exponentially growing). Alaska and Hawaii become the 49th and 50th states.
- 1960: Vietnam War. Civil rights becomes a central issue. Apollo 11, first humans on the Moon.
- 1970: Oil Embargo. Fighting for women's rights. The antiwar movement.
- 1980: Cold war, Apple Macintosh, Yuppie,
- 1990: Wall Street. Computers. Bill Clinton's scandals (Monica Lewinsky, bombing Serbia, attempts to negotiate peace in the Middle East). Abortion reaches historical levels of high popularity in the United States from 1990 to 1996.
- 2000: Internet expaning. Apple Ipod. September 11: hijacked airliners crash into the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Hurricane Katrina, the costliest hurricane in U.S. history.
- 2010: Ipad. Facebook, "online life" of population,
More facts you can read on website: Fast facts through the decades. Some facts are citated from wikipedia.
Sources, notices
[0] Estimated value, calculated by linar interpolation from two closest dates with known population (census or official estimated).***
[1] US - Nation population 2015, Archived from the original,, retrieved 02/23/2016
[2] US population 2000-2010, Archived from the original, CSV, retrieved 02/24/2016
[3] Population of States and Counties of the United States: 1790 to 1990, PDF 15 Mb, retrieved 02/25/2016
[4] International Data Base, world, US Population projections 1950-2050, Archived from the original, retrieved 03/01/2016
[5] United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2015). World Population Prospects: The 2015 Revision. Data are estimates and projections according to a medium-fertility variant. Retrieved 12/20/2015