Population.us > World

World population

Our primary content is US population, but just for comparation, we created this page, so you can get some basic information about world population statistics and to compare it with US data. If you need more information about country population visit population.city/country page.

Current population of the world is 7 979 524 430 people [0] and according to estimations, it will reach 8 billion in 2024. Every second earth population is growing by 2.6 (birth rate is 4.5 babies/sec and 1.9 deaths/sec. 4.5-1.9=2.6).

World population 1500-2050

Sources. 1500-1950[1]; 1950-2050[3]

World population maps

Estimated population for 2015[2]. Population density is in p./sq.mi. Changes are for period 2010-2015. Value is %/year. Boundary lines approx. 2012 [5]. Click to enlarge.


What was world population at your birthday?



First billion humans earth reached in 1804. Second billion in 1927 (after 123 years). For third billion earth population needed only 33 years - 1960. Fourth billion was reached in 1974 and only 14 years were needed. For 5th billion we needed only 13 years (1987). And 6th billion was the fastest, only 12 years needed, reached in 1999. Same intervall we needed for seventh billion (2011). And we are growing to 8th billion (probably in 2024). This table gives you quick overview:

year 1804 1927 1960 1974 1987 1999 2011 2024 2041
pop in billions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
years needed x 123 33 14 13 12 12 13 17

World population compared to US population

Value is US population in percent of total world population.


World population by age

Age groups, population 2016 (thousands) [4]

Age Male   Female
0-9 681 486 > 637 036
10-19 621 459 > 580 907
20-29 622 041 > 589 569
30-39 540 794 > 526 065
40-49 477 536 > 468 622
50-59 377 026 < 381 166
60-69 253 446 < 271 082
70-79 124 565 < 148 869
80-89 45 183 < 67 283
90-99 5 674 << 12 377
100+ 104 <<< 373

Population of continents 1950-2100

Continents population growth rate in %. 1950 population is the base (this is 100%). Values are in percent of population growth rate compared to 1950.

Most popular countries

Country population estimates 2016, 2050, 2100 (millions, medium fertility variant). UN, DESA, popul.div.[4]

Country 2016 2050 2100
China 1382 1348 1004
India 1327 1705 1660
USA 324 389 450
Indonesia 261 322 314
Brazil 210 238 200
Pakistan 193 310 364
Nigeria 187 399 752
Bangladesh 163 202 170
Russia 143 129 117
Mexico 129 164 148
Japan 126 107 83
Philippines 102 148 169
Ethiopia 102 188 243
Viet Nam 94 113 105
Egypt 93 151 201
Germany 81 75 63


Since middle of the 20th century world population growth exponential. Africa population don't show any slowing tender, that is big load for this continent. Long-term global population growth is difficult to predict. According to official estimates by UN, world population will reach 11 billions at the beginning of the 22th century and they predict that it will stabilise by then. Let's hope that Earth can feed this huge population..


[0] Estimated value, calculated by linar interpolation from two closest dates with official estimated population.***

[1] World population 10000BC - 1950AD, archived from the original, retrieved 02/23/2016

[2] International Data Base, world, US Population projections 1950..2050, archived form the original, retrieved 02/23/2016

[3] World population 1950-2050 (est.), archived from the original, retrieved 03/27/2016

[4] United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2015). World Population Prospects: The 2015 Revision. Data are estimates and projections according to a medium-fertility variant. Retrieved 12/20/2015

[5] Country boundaries, CSV files on boundaries.us, retrived 03/18/2016

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