Population.us > Counties > Texas > Hopkins County

Population of Hopkins County

Last official estimated population of Hopkins County was 35,215 (year 2014)[1]. This was 0.011% of total US population and 0.1% of total Texas state population. Area of Hopkins County is 792.8 mi² (=2053.3 km²), in this year population density was 44.42 p/mi². If population growth rate would be same as in period 2010-2014 (+0.04%/yr), Hopkins County population in 2025 would be 35,364 [0].

Historical population

Historical population of Hopkins County for period 1850-2014 [1] , [2] , [3]:

Maps: Population, population density, population changes

Estimated population for 2014[1]. Population density is in p./sq.mi [4]. Changes are for period 2010-2015. Value is %/year. Boundary lines are approx. 2012 [5]. Click on flag to hide it.


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Annual growth rate

[1850-1860] +11.44 %/yr
[1860-1870] +5.03 %/yr
[1870-1880] +2.03 %/yr
[1880-1890] +2.9 %/yr
[1890-1900] +3.11 %/yr
[1900-1910] +1.05 %/yr
[1910-1920] +1.15 %/yr
[1920-1930] -1.67 %/yr
[1930-1940] +0.29 %/yr
[1940-1950] -2.51 %/yr
[1950-1960] -2.31 %/yr
[1960-1970] +1.08 %/yr
[1970-1980] +2 %/yr
[1980-1990] +1.34 %/yr
[1990-2000] +1.03 %/yr
[2000-2005] +0.84 %/yr
[2005-2010] +1.08 %/yr
[2010-2014] +0.04 %/yr



Population of Hopkins County by age groups male (M) and female (F)[1b]

Age Gr. (M) (F) Total
0 to 4 1230 1161 2,391
5 to 9 1318 1223 2,541
10 to 14 1378 1245 2,623
15 to 19 1196 1096 2,292
20 to 24 1122 1107 2,229
25 to 29 1057 1048 2,105
30 to 34 1041 1037 2,078
35 to 39 973 1020 1,993
40 to 44 1048 1142 2,190
45 to 49 1083 1139 2,222
50 to 54 1240 1223 2,463
55 to 59 1212 1218 2,430
60 to 64 1068 1107 2,175
65 to 69 944 1059 2,003
70 to 74 719 828 1,547
75 to 79 531 591 1,122
80 to 84 333 458 791
85+ 230 496 726

Hopkins County resident population estimates by Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin[1b]. For full list of abbrevations see: population.us/about page.

Race Male Female Total
WAC 16105 16494 32,599
WA 15794 16166 31,960
NH 14619 15474 30,093
NHWAC 13178 13945 27,123
NHWA 12950 13701 26,651
H 3104 2724 5,828
HWAC 2927 2549 5,476
HWA 2844 2465 5,309
BAC 1448 1544 2,992
NHBAC 1353 1449 2,802
BA 1301 1378 2,679
NHBA 1232 1315 2,547
TOM 323 336 659
IAC 314 311 625
NHTOM 239 250 489
NHIAC 177 177 354
IA 174 177 351
AAC 160 162 322
NHAAC 141 143 284
HIAC 137 134 271
AA 116 118 234
NHAA 108 109 217
HBAC 95 95 190
HIA 90 87 177
NHIA 84 90 174
HTOM 84 86 170
HBA 69 63 132
NAC 30 30 60
HAAC 19 19 38
NA 15 23 38
NHNAC 16 14 30
HNAC 14 16 30
HNA 9 14 23
HAA 8 9 17
NHNA 6 9 15

Counties near Hopkins County

Hunt County population 30.1 mi, 266°
Van Zandt County 43.7 mi, 201°
Lamar County 35.8 mi, 359°
Wood County 27.4 mi, 157°
Fannin County 43.6 mi, 314°
Titus County 34.9 mi, 82°
Camp County 36 mi, 109°
Rains County 23.4 mi, 214°
Franklin County 20.1 mi, 84°
Delta County 17.5 mi, 339°

Sources, notices

[0] Calculated by population.us from last known population growth rate, not official data.

[1] County population - 2014, archived from the original, retrieved 02/23/2016

[1b] Annual County Resident Population Estimates by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin, (used only data for 2014) archived from the original, retrieved 02/23/2016

[2] County population - 2000-2010, archived from the original, retrieved 02/23/2016

[3] Population of States and Counties of the United States: 1790 to 1992, PDF, 15 Mb, census.gov, retrieved 02/23/2016

[4] County area, latitude longitude data, retrieved 02/23/2016

[5] County boundaries, CSV files on boundaries.us, retrived 03/18/2016

Texas Notes

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