Population.us > Counties > Delaware > Kent County

Population of Kent County

Last official estimated population of Kent County was 162,954 (year 2014)[1]. This was 0.051% of total US population and 17.2% of total Delaware state population. Area of Kent County is 798.3 mi² (=2067.7 km²), in this year population density was 204.12 p/mi². If population growth rate would be same as in period 2010-2014 (+0.1%/yr), Kent County population in 2024 would be 164,575 [0].

Historical population

Historical population of Kent County for period 1790-2014 [1] , [2] , [3]:

Maps: Population, population density, population changes

Estimated population for 2014[1]. Population density is in p./sq.mi [4]. Changes are for period 2010-2015. Value is %/year. Boundary lines are approx. 2012 [5]. Click on flag to hide it.


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Annual growth rate

[1790-1800] +0.33 %/yr
[1800-1810] +0.47 %/yr
[1810-1820] +0.14 %/yr
[1820-1830] -0.43 %/yr
[1830-1840] -0.02 %/yr
[1840-1850] +1.39 %/yr
[1850-1860] +2 %/yr
[1860-1870] +0.7 %/yr
[1870-1880] +0.99 %/yr
[1880-1890] -0.06 %/yr
[1890-1900] +0.03 %/yr
[1900-1910] -0.01 %/yr
[1910-1920] -0.53 %/yr
[1920-1930] +0.26 %/yr
[1930-1940] +0.79 %/yr
[1940-1950] +0.95 %/yr
[1950-1960] +5.66 %/yr
[1960-1970] +2.24 %/yr
[1970-1980] +1.83 %/yr
[1980-1990] +1.23 %/yr
[1990-2000] +1.34 %/yr
[2000-2005] +2.66 %/yr
[2005-2010] +2.34 %/yr
[2010-2014] +0.1 %/yr



Population of Kent County by age groups male (M) and female (F)[1b]

Age Gr. (M) (F) Total
0 to 4 5788 5380 11,168
5 to 9 5713 5497 11,210
10 to 14 5840 5613 11,453
15 to 19 5858 5950 11,808
20 to 24 6853 6540 13,393
25 to 29 6067 6097 12,164
30 to 34 5194 5633 10,827
35 to 39 4549 5171 9,720
40 to 44 4768 5372 10,140
45 to 49 5254 5731 10,985
50 to 54 5716 6226 11,942
55 to 59 5180 5880 11,060
60 to 64 4318 5034 9,352
65 to 69 4185 4918 9,103
70 to 74 3128 3749 6,877
75 to 79 2128 2710 4,838
80 to 84 1433 1798 3,231
85+ 973 1743 2,716

Kent County resident population estimates by Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin[1b]. For full list of abbrevations see: population.us/about page.

Race Male Female Total
NH 77039 83103 160,142
WAC 59783 62533 122,316
WA 57430 59997 117,427
NHWAC 55184 58001 113,185
NHWA 53145 55767 108,912
BAC 22279 25055 47,334
NHBAC 21019 23735 44,754
BA 20378 22919 43,297
NHBA 19371 21840 41,211
H 5906 5939 11,845
HWAC 4599 4532 9,131
HWA 4285 4230 8,515
TOM 2788 3102 5,890
AAC 2340 3011 5,351
NHTOM 2410 2734 5,144
NHAAC 2220 2887 5,107
AA 1657 2255 3,912
NHAA 1604 2191 3,795
IAC 1349 1594 2,943
HBAC 1260 1320 2,580
NHIAC 1037 1274 2,311
HBA 1007 1079 2,086
IA 598 668 1,266
NHIA 454 518 972
HTOM 378 368 746
HIAC 312 320 632
NAC 251 292 543
NHNAC 189 214 403
HIA 144 150 294
HAAC 120 124 244
NA 94 101 195
HNAC 62 78 140
HAA 53 64 117
NHNA 55 53 108
HNA 39 48 87

Counties near Kent County

New Castle County population 33.9 mi, 347°
Sussex County 30.6 mi, 163°
Cumberland County 25.9 mi, 51°
Cecil County 39.8 mi, 323°
Cape May County 35.1 mi, 91°
Salem County 33.8 mi, 13°
Queen Anne's County 31.3 mi, 262°
Talbot County 43.6 mi, 236°
Caroline County 23.5 mi, 228°
Kent County 34.8 mi, 286°

Sources, notices

[0] Calculated by population.us from last known population growth rate, not official data.

[1] County population - 2014, archived from the original, retrieved 02/23/2016

[1b] Annual County Resident Population Estimates by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin, (used only data for 2014) archived from the original, retrieved 02/23/2016

[2] County population - 2000-2010, archived from the original, retrieved 02/23/2016

[3] Population of States and Counties of the United States: 1790 to 1992, PDF, 15 Mb, census.gov, retrieved 02/23/2016

[4] County area, latitude longitude data, retrieved 02/23/2016

[5] County boundaries, CSV files on boundaries.us, retrived 03/18/2016

Delaware Notes

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