List of S.. West Virginia settlements in ABC order. Found 17 settlements. More popular settlements are written with larger fonts.
Salem city, WV (Harrison County)
Sand Fork town, WV (Gilmer County)
Shepherdstown town, WV (Jefferson County)
Shinnston city, WV (Harrison County)
Sistersville city, WV (Tyler County)
Smithers city, WV (Fayette County)
Smithfield town, WV (Wetzel County)
Sophia town, WV (Raleigh County)
South Charleston city, WV (Kanawha County)
Spencer city, WV (Roane County)
St. Albans city, WV (Kanawha County)
St. Marys city, WV (Pleasants County)
Star City town, WV (Monongalia County)
Stonewood city, WV (Harrison County)
Summersville town, WV (Nicholas County)
Sutton town, WV (Braxton County)
Sylvester town, WV (Boone County)
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