List of US settlements in ABC order, that begin on letter(s) WILS. Found 18 settlements. More popular settlements are written with larger fonts.
Wilsey city, KS (Morris County)
Wilson City village, MO (Mississippi County)
Wilson Creek town, WA (Grant County)
Wilson's Mills town, NC (Johnston County)
Wilson city, AR (Mississippi County)
Wilson city, KS (Ellsworth County)
Wilson village, LA (East Feliciana Parish)
Wilson city, NC (Wilson County)
Wilson village, NY (Niagara County)
Wilson village, OH (Belmont County)
Wilson city, OK (Carter County)
Wilson borough, PA (Northampton County)
Wilson city, TX (Lynn County)
Wilson village, WI (St. Croix County)
Wilsonville town, AL (Shelby County)
Wilsonville village, IL (Macoupin County)
Wilsonville village, NE (Furnas County)
Wilsonville city, OR (Clackamas County)
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