List of US settlements in ABC order, that begin on letter(s) WILM. Found 16 settlements. More popular settlements are written with larger fonts.
Wilmar city, AR (Drew County)
Wilmer city, TX (Dallas County)
Wilmerding borough, PA (Allegheny County)
Wilmette village, IL (Cook County)
Wilmington village, IL (Greene County)
Wilmington city, DE (New Castle County)
Wilmington city, IL (Will County)
Wilmington city, NC (New Hanover County)
Wilmington city, OH (Clinton County)
Wilmont city, MN (Nobles County)
Wilmore city, KS (Comanche County)
Wilmore city, KY (Jessamine County)
Wilmore borough, PA (Cambria County)
Wilmot city, AR (Ashley County)
Wilmot village, OH (Stark County)
Wilmot city, SD (Roberts County)
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