List of US settlements in ABC order, that begin on letter(s) WAV. Found 16 settlements. More popular settlements are written with larger fonts.
Waveland town, IN (Montgomery County)
Waveland city, MS (Hancock County)
Waverly Hall town, GA (Harris County)
Waverly town, AL (Chambers County)
Waverly city, IA (Bremer County)
Waverly city, IL (Morgan County)
Waverly city, KS (Coffey County)
Waverly city, KY (Union County)
Waverly city, MN (Wright County)
Waverly city, MO (Lafayette County)
Waverly city, NE (Lancaster County)
Waverly village, NY (Tioga County)
Waverly village, OH (Pike County)
Waverly city, TN (Humphreys County)
Waverly town, VA (Sussex County)
Waverly town, WA (Spokane County)
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