List of S.. South Dakota settlements in ABC order. Found 21 settlements. More popular settlements are written with larger fonts.
Salem city, SD (McCook County)
Scotland city, SD (Bon Homme County)
Selby city, SD (Walworth County)
Seneca town, SD (Faulk County)
Sherman town, SD (Minnehaha County)
Sinai town, SD (Brookings County)
Sioux Falls city, SD (Lincoln County)
Sisseton city, SD (Roberts County)
South Shore town, SD (Codington County)
Spearfish city, SD (Lawrence County)
Spencer city, SD (McCook County)
Springfield city, SD (Bon Homme County)
St. Francis town, SD (Todd County)
St. Lawrence town, SD (Hand County)
Stickney town, SD (Aurora County)
Stockholm town, SD (Grant County)
Strandburg town, SD (Grant County)
Stratford town, SD (Brown County)
Sturgis city, SD (Meade County)
Summerset city, SD (Meade County)
Summit town, SD (Roberts County)
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