List of C.. South Dakota settlements in ABC order. Found 27 settlements. More popular settlements are written with larger fonts.
Camp Crook town, SD (Harding County)
Canistota city, SD (McCook County)
Canova town, SD (Miner County)
Canton city, SD (Lincoln County)
Carthage city, SD (Miner County)
Castlewood city, SD (Hamlin County)
Cavour town, SD (Beadle County)
Centerville city, SD (Turner County)
Central City city, SD (Lawrence County)
Chamberlain city, SD (Brule County)
Chancellor town, SD (Turner County)
Chelsea town, SD (Faulk County)
Claire City town, SD (Roberts County)
Claremont town, SD (Brown County)
Clark city, SD (Clark County)
Clear Lake city, SD (Deuel County)
Colman city, SD (Moody County)
Colome city, SD (Tripp County)
Colton city, SD (Minnehaha County)
Columbia city, SD (Brown County)
Conde city, SD (Spink County)
Corona town, SD (Roberts County)
Corsica city, SD (Douglas County)
Cottonwood town, SD (Jackson County)
Cresbard town, SD (Faulk County)
Crooks city, SD (Minnehaha County)
Custer city, SD (Custer County)
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