List of US settlements in ABC order, that begin on letter(s) PEL. Found 14 settlements. More popular settlements are written with larger fonts.
Pelahatchie town, MS (Rankin County)
Peletier town, NC (Carteret County)
Pelham Manor village, NY (Westchester County)
Pelham city, AL (Shelby County)
Pelham city, GA (Mitchell County)
Pelham village, NY (Westchester County)
Pelican Bay city, TX (Tarrant County)
Pelican Rapids city, MN (Otter Tail County)
Pelican city, AK (Hoonah-Angoon Census Area)
Pelion town, SC (Lexington County)
Pell City city, AL (St. Clair County)
Pella city, IA (Marion County)
Pellston village, MI (Emmet County)
Pelzer town, SC (Anderson County)
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