List of US settlements in ABC order, that begin on letter(s) NEW-L. Found 17 settlements. More popular settlements are written with larger fonts.
New Lebanon village, OH (Montgomery County)
New Lebanon borough, PA (Mercer County)
New Leipzig city, ND (Grant County)
New Lenox village, IL (Will County)
New Lexington village, OH (Perry County)
New Liberty city, IA (Scott County)
New Lisbon city, WI (Juneau County)
New Llano town, LA (Vernon Parish)
New London city, CT (New London County)
New London city, IA (Henry County)
New London city, MN (Kandiyohi County)
New London city, MO (Ralls County)
New London town, NC (Stanly County)
New London village, OH (Huron County)
New London city, TX (Rusk County)
New London city, WI (Outagamie County)
New Lothrop village, MI (Shiawassee County)
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