List of H.. Nebraska settlements in ABC order. Found 40 settlements. More popular settlements are written with larger fonts.
Hadar village, NE (Pierce County)
Haigler village, NE (Dundy County)
Hallam village, NE (Lancaster County)
Halsey village, NE (Blaine County)
Hamlet village, NE (Hayes County)
Hampton village, NE (Hamilton County)
Harbine village, NE (Jefferson County)
Hardy village, NE (Nuckolls County)
Harrison village, NE (Sioux County)
Hartington city, NE (Cedar County)
Harvard city, NE (Clay County)
Hastings city, NE (Adams County)
Hay Springs village, NE (Sheridan County)
Hayes Center village, NE (Hayes County)
Hazard village, NE (Sherman County)
Heartwell village, NE (Kearney County)
Hebron city, NE (Thayer County)
Hemingford village, NE (Box Butte County)
Henderson city, NE (York County)
Hendley village, NE (Furnas County)
Henry village, NE (Scotts Bluff County)
Herman village, NE (Washington County)
Hershey village, NE (Lincoln County)
Hickman city, NE (Lancaster County)
Hildreth village, NE (Franklin County)
Holbrook village, NE (Furnas County)
Holdrege city, NE (Phelps County)
Holstein village, NE (Adams County)
Homer village, NE (Dakota County)
Hooper city, NE (Dodge County)
Hordville village, NE (Hamilton County)
Hoskins village, NE (Wayne County)
Howard City village, NE (Howard County)
Howells village, NE (Colfax County)
Hubbard village, NE (Dakota County)
Hubbell village, NE (Thayer County)
Humboldt city, NE (Richardson County)
Humphrey city, NE (Platte County)
Huntley village, NE (Harlan County)
Hyannis village, NE (Grant County)
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