List of US settlements in ABC order, that begin on letter(s) MILLE. Found 25 settlements. More popular settlements are written with larger fonts.
Milledgeville city, GA (Baldwin County)
Milledgeville village, IL (Carroll County)
Milledgeville village, OH (Fayette County)
Milledgeville town, TN (Chester County)
Millen city, GA (Jenkins County)
Miller City village, OH (Putnam County)
Miller's Cove town, TX (Titus County)
Miller city, MO (Lawrence County)
Miller village, NE (Buffalo County)
Miller city, SD (Hand County)
Millersburg city, IA (Iowa County)
Millersburg town, IN (Elkhart County)
Millersburg city, KY (Bourbon County)
Millersburg village, MI (Presque Isle County)
Millersburg village, OH (Holmes County)
Millersburg city, OR (Linn County)
Millersburg borough, PA (Dauphin County)
Millersport village, OH (Fairfield County)
Millerstown borough, PA (Perry County)
Millersville borough, PA (Lancaster County)
Millersville city, TN (Robertson County)
Millerton city, IA (Wayne County)
Millerton village, NY (Dutchess County)
Millerton town, OK (McCurtain County)
Millerville city, MN (Douglas County)
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