List of US settlements in ABC order, that begin on letter(s) MAT. Found 20 settlements. More popular settlements are written with larger fonts.
Matador town, TX (Motley County)
Matamoras village, OH (Washington County)
Matamoras borough, PA (Pike County)
Matawan borough, NJ (Monmouth County)
Matewan town, WV (Mingo County)
Matfield Green city, KS (Chase County)
Matherville village, IL (Mercer County)
Mathis city, TX (San Patricio County)
Mathiston town, MS (Choctaw County)
Matinecock village, NY (Nassau County)
Matlock city, IA (Sioux County)
Matoaka town, WV (Mercer County)
Mattawa town, WA (Grant County)
Mattawan village, MI (Van Buren County)
Matteson village, IL (Cook County)
Matthews town, IN (Grant County)
Matthews city, MO (New Madrid County)
Matthews town, NC (Mecklenburg County)
Mattoon city, IL (Coles County)
Mattoon village, WI (Shawano County)
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