List of US settlements in ABC order, that begin on letter(s) MART. Found 27 settlements. More popular settlements are written with larger fonts.
Mart city, TX (Limestone County)
Martelle city, IA (Jones County)
Martensdale city, IA (Warren County)
Martha town, OK (Jackson County)
Marthasville city, MO (Warren County)
Martin's Additions village, MD (Montgomery County)
Martin town, GA (Franklin County)
Martin city, KY (Floyd County)
Martin village, LA (Red River Parish)
Martin village, MI (Allegan County)
Martin city, ND (Sheridan County)
Martin city, SD (Bennett County)
Martin city, TN (Weakley County)
Martindale city, TX (Caldwell County)
Martinez city, CA (Contra Costa County)
Martins Ferry city, OH (Belmont County)
Martinsburg city, IA (Keokuk County)
Martinsburg town, MO (Audrain County)
Martinsburg village, NE (Dixon County)
Martinsburg village, OH (Knox County)
Martinsburg borough, PA (Blair County)
Martinsburg city, WV (Berkeley County)
Martinsville city, IL (Clark County)
Martinsville city, IN (Morgan County)
Martinsville village, OH (Clinton County)
Martinsville city, VA (Martinsville city)
Martinton village, IL (Iroquois County)
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