List of US settlements in ABC order, that begin on letter(s) MAG. Found 19 settlements. More popular settlements are written with larger fonts.
Magazine city, AR (Logan County)
Magdalena village, NM (Socorro County)
Magee city, MS (Simpson County)
Maggie Valley town, NC (Haywood County)
Magness town, AR (Independence County)
Magnet Cove town, AR (Hot Spring County)
Magnet village, NE (Cedar County)
Magnetic Springs village, OH (Union County)
Magnolia Springs town, AL (Baldwin County)
Magnolia city, AR (Columbia County)
Magnolia town, DE (Kent County)
Magnolia city, IA (Harrison County)
Magnolia village, IL (Putnam County)
Magnolia city, MN (Rock County)
Magnolia city, MS (Pike County)
Magnolia town, NC (Duplin County)
Magnolia borough, NJ (Camden County)
Magnolia village, OH (Carroll County)
Magnolia city, TX (Montgomery County)
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