List of US settlements in ABC order, that begin on letter(s) LAC. Found 13 settlements. More popular settlements are written with larger fonts.
Lac La Belle village, WI (Jefferson County)
Lacey city, WA (Thurston County)
Laceyville borough, PA (Wyoming County)
Lackawanna city, NY (Erie County)
Laclede city, MO (Linn County)
Lacon city, IL (Marshall County)
Lacona city, IA (Warren County)
Lacona village, NY (Oswego County)
Laconia town, IN (Harrison County)
Laconia city, NH (Belknap County)
LaCoste city, TX (Medina County)
LaCrosse town, WA (Whitman County)
Lacy-Lakeview city, TX (McLennan County)
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