List of Benton County settlements (Iowa) in ABC order. Found 14 settlements. More popular settlements are written with larger fonts. For county population statistics see Benton County, Iowa population page.
Atkins city, IA (Benton County)
Belle Plaine city, IA (Benton County)
Blairstown city, IA (Benton County)
Garrison city, IA (Benton County)
Keystone city, IA (Benton County)
Luzerne city, IA (Benton County)
Mount Auburn city, IA (Benton County)
Newhall city, IA (Benton County)
Norway city, IA (Benton County)
Shellsburg city, IA (Benton County)
Urbana city, IA (Benton County)
Van Horne city, IA (Benton County)
Vinton city, IA (Benton County)
Walford city, IA (Benton County)
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