List of US settlements in ABC order, that begin on letter(s) FLA. Found 14 settlements. More popular settlements are written with larger fonts.
Flagler Beach city, FL (Flagler County)
Flagler town, CO (Kit Carson County)
Flagstaff city, AZ (Coconino County)
Flanagan village, IL (Livingston County)
Flandreau city, SD (Moody County)
Flasher city, ND (Morton County)
Flat Rock village, IL (Crawford County)
Flat Rock city, MI (Monroe County)
Flat Rock village, NC (Henderson County)
Flatonia town, TX (Fayette County)
Flatwoods city, KY (Greenup County)
Flatwoods town, WV (Braxton County)
Flaxton city, ND (Burke County)
Flaxville town, MT (Daniels County)
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