List of US settlements in ABC order, that begin on letter(s) COV. Found 16 settlements. More popular settlements are written with larger fonts.
Cove City town, NC (Craven County)
Cove Neck village, NY (Nassau County)
Cove town, AR (Polk County)
Cove city, OR (Union County)
Cove city, TX (Chambers County)
Covina city, CA (Los Angeles County)
Covington city, GA (Newton County)
Covington city, IN (Fountain County)
Covington city, KY (Kenton County)
Covington city, LA (St. Tammany Parish)
Covington village, OH (Miami County)
Covington town, OK (Garfield County)
Covington city, TN (Tipton County)
Covington city, TX (Hill County)
Covington city, VA (Covington city)
Covington city, WA (King County)
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