List of US settlements in ABC order, that begin on letter(s) COA. Found 27 settlements. More popular settlements are written with larger fonts.
Coachella city, CA (Riverside County)
Coahoma town, MS (Coahoma County)
Coahoma town, TX (Howard County)
Coal Center borough, PA (Washington County)
Coal City village, IL (Grundy County)
Coal Creek town, CO (Fremont County)
Coal Grove village, OH (Lawrence County)
Coal Hill city, AR (Johnson County)
Coal Run Village city, KY (Pike County)
Coal Valley village, IL (Henry County)
Coaldale borough, PA (Bedford County)
Coaldale borough, PA (Schuylkill County)
Coalgate city, OK (Coal County)
Coaling town, AL (Tuscaloosa County)
Coalinga city, CA (Fresno County)
Coalmont borough, PA (Huntingdon County)
Coalmont city, TN (Grundy County)
Coalport borough, PA (Clearfield County)
Coalton village, IL (Montgomery County)
Coalton village, OH (Jackson County)
Coalville city, UT (Summit County)
Coates city, MN (Dakota County)
Coatesville town, IN (Hendricks County)
Coatesville city, PA (Chester County)
Coats city, KS (Pratt County)
Coats town, NC (Harnett County)
Coatsburg village, IL (Adams County)
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