List of US settlements in ABC order, that begin on letter(s) CAP. Found 15 settlements. More popular settlements are written with larger fonts.
Capac village, MI (St. Clair County)
Cape Canaveral city, FL (Brevard County)
Cape Carteret town, NC (Carteret County)
Cape Charles town, VA (Northampton County)
Cape Coral city, FL (Lee County)
Cape Girardeau city, MO (Cape Girardeau County)
Cape May Point borough, NJ (Cape May County)
Cape May city, NJ (Cape May County)
Cape Vincent village, NY (Jefferson County)
Capitan village, NM (Lincoln County)
Capitol Heights town, MD (Prince George's County)
Capitola city, CA (Santa Cruz County)
Capon Bridge town, WV (Hampshire County)
Capron village, IL (Boone County)
Capron town, VA (Southampton County)
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