List of US settlements in ABC order, that begin on letter(s) BY. Found 18 settlements. More popular settlements are written with larger fonts.
Byars town, OK (McClain County)
Byers city, KS (Pratt County)
Byers city, TX (Clay County)
Byesville village, OH (Guernsey County)
Byhalia town, MS (Marshall County)
Byng town, OK (Pontotoc County)
Bynum town, TX (Hill County)
Byram city, MS (Hinds County)
Byrdstown town, TN (Pickett County)
Byrnes Mill city, MO (Jefferson County)
Byromville town, GA (Dooly County)
Byron city, GA (Houston County)
Byron city, IL (Ogle County)
Byron village, MI (Shiawassee County)
Byron city, MN (Olmsted County)
Byron village, NE (Thayer County)
Byron town, OK (Alfalfa County)
Byron town, WY (Big Horn County)
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