List of US settlements in ABC order, that begin on letter(s) BEAR. Found 14 settlements. More popular settlements are written with larger fonts.
Bear Creek Village borough, PA (Luzerne County)
Bear Creek town, AL (Marion County)
Bear Creek village, TX (Hays County)
Bear Creek village, WI (Outagamie County)
Bear Grass town, NC (Martin County)
Bear Lake village, MI (Manistee County)
Bear Lake borough, PA (Warren County)
Bear River City city, UT (Box Elder County)
Bear River town, WY (Uinta County)
Bearcreek town, MT (Carbon County)
Bearden city, AR (Ouachita County)
Bearden town, OK (Okfuskee County)
Beardsley city, MN (Big Stone County)
Beardstown city, IL (Cass County)
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