List of US settlements in ABC order, that begin on letter(s) ALM. Found 19 settlements. More popular settlements are written with larger fonts.
Alma Center village, WI (Jackson County)
Alma city, AR (Crawford County)
Alma town, CO (Park County)
Alma city, GA (Bacon County)
Alma village, IL (Marion County)
Alma city, KS (Wabaunsee County)
Alma city, MI (Gratiot County)
Alma city, MO (Lafayette County)
Alma city, NE (Harlan County)
Alma town, TX (Ellis County)
Alma city, WI (Buffalo County)
Almena city, KS (Norton County)
Almena village, WI (Barron County)
Almira town, WA (Lincoln County)
Almond village, NY (Allegany County)
Almond village, WI (Portage County)
Almont village, MI (Lapeer County)
Almont city, ND (Morton County)
Almyra town, AR (Arkansas County)
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